Saturday, September 1, 2012

More about me and the Pond

Lots of teachers have a theme for their classroom.  This usually changes each year.  Mine has been the same for many years.  The Pond is the name of my room, tadpoles are my students, frogs are everywhere.  The frog theme is a reminder to never give up.  "If a frog can turn into a prince, anything is possible"

Another reason is just for me. I teach in a public school so I can't share this one with my students.  Fully Rely On God is my personal reminder that no matter how stressful things might get, I am never alone.  If I am having a rough day, I look around, see those frogs, take a deep breath and keep on going.

Earning a small squishy frog is a motivator to complete an assignment, maintain good behavior, or just celebrate a birthday.  Whatever the reason the kids treasure these little tokens because they had to work hard to get them.  Last summer I heard from the parent of a former student now in high school.  She told me they still had that frog he had earned.  It was that special to him.  That frog represented his reaching a personal goal.  It gave him confidence to keep trying.

I have been teaching in some form since 1973 when I graduated from Adrian College.  That's how long I have had frogs for a mascot.  They got me through some rough times in my life so I try pass that support on to my students each year.

I tell my students that The Pond is a place of learning.  They may not always be successful, but that's ok.  Just like the frog they need to keep trying.  Making a mistake is not a bad thing, it's what you do with it that counts. If you never make a mistake you really aren't learning anything.

Just finished the first three weeks of teaching third grade in Franklin, TN.  With all the new components it has been rather challenging.  New students, new parents, new teachers all these make for an interesting start.
The most challenging has been the transition to common core.  As I learn more about CC and find ways of incorporating it I will share my findings.
I would love to hear from others on how you are doing with all the changes to education.
Seems to me that we are all so busy trying to keep our heads above water that we don't realize that there are others out there going through the same things.

One thing that helps me make the lessons come to life is getting out and exploring.  This year was a trip to Cumberland Gap National Forest.